I am so excited to post this today! This was sent to me early this morning and I could not wait to share. Neal Tapio is tossing his hat in the ring. He is running for congress! We have the opportunity to send someone to Washington who actually wants South Dakota to succeed rather than sell us piece by piece to the highest paying special interest or corporation. Get unfiltered access to him on his website: www.nealtapio.com/issues/ I will be listing some of his campaign event information on the events page. Make sure you attend and show him we appreciate his hard work and courage to stand up for us when no one else has.
Ask yourself, do you want to live in a socialist country? If your answer is, "NO!", then you really, really, REALLY, need to getting to the voting booth EVERY year. Yes, every year. People think that elections only happen when they see presidential elections. That is not the case. There are elections and ballot issues every year. Not always in your area, but you should always be keeping up with issues and candidates in and around your area. The South Dakota 2018 primary election is right around the corner, followed by the 2018 General Election in November. Be there!
In the United States, we now have millions of socialists living here. Many are young people that have been brought up in a socialist education system or now that they are facing bills and expenses, want everything handed to them. A large portion of the socialists are people brought here on work visas and grew up in socialist countries. To them, we have too much freedom and would be very comfortable living in a socialist country again. But they do not want to return to their home country. Go figure. In general, people who have worked for nothing and have demanded everything for free are the people that lean towards socialism. Once they get a steady paycheck and uncle Sam takes his share, then they quickly change their perspective and want to keep their money. This is when the conservative transition happens to these young kids. Democrats are the new socialist party. In fact, you can see the Minnesota democrat party and the socialist party intentionally combined. I will admit that there are a good many democrats that are not socialist, but these days, it is very difficult to sort them out. And EVERY SINGLE democrat in congress is voting for amnesty and open borders. Either they are socialists or are in league with cartel and getting more than their fair share of income while voting to give your hard earned income away. I am loathe to even mention this preposterous site, which is in my opinion a socialist site calling the kettle black, but if I were to cite a conservative site there would be cries of foul play and fake news. I apologize for this link, but here it is, The Guardian. They skimmed some sources, including Pew Research (yeah, I know they are not exactly flush with credibility these days), pondering the rise in socialists in this country. www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/feb/29/why-are-there-suddenly-millions-of-socialists-in-america And here is a link to the Pew reference - it is actually a pdf file: www.people-press.org/files/legacy-pdf/12-28-11%20Words%20release.pdf Start poking around the internet. Do searches for socialists and socialist groups in the US, communists and communist groups in the US, famous socialists in the US, famous communists in the US, communists and socialists in congress, socialist and communist governors/mayors, etc. You will begin to realize what is at stake. Research how democracy's are slowly moved towards socialism. Social welfare programs get the population hooked. Universal government or state run healthcare is implemented, just a bit at a time so you do not notice. (Medicaid, Obamacare) Guns are taken or regulated away. People are kept poor or at what "they" consider a living wage (while they make their millions). In the name of political correctness your rights are quietly stripped away. It is a soft sell each year or with each new law or regulation. A small but regular nudge each day towards socialism. Before you know it, you are living in a socialist country and you do not even know how it happened. If you speak up, you are called names, publicly shamed and branded, and labelled all sorts of unfavorable things in order to make you feel like you are not a decent human being. (Mike Levsen, the mayor of Sioux Falls, and some on the city council have already implemented these techniques. You can even look at Aberdeen American News archives and see them in print.) While you are at it, research how socialism and Islam work together towards a common goal. Islam uses the socialism activists to do their work for them. They play their part by being the convenient victims of the current policies. They keep hammering away at things like free speech, inequalities for women (while overlooking the abuse in their own system towards women), fake hate crimes in order to slander the groups that resist them, fake altruistic movements and charities to dupe people into unwittingly help them forge their socialist agenda. Neither socialists nor Islam cares about the consequences, so long as they get their way. (communists and anarchists should be included here as well) It is not about all of the issues currently being used to distract us, it is about socialism vs our Constitution. It is about importing as many people from socialist countries as they can and as quickly as they can. It is about getting people here and getting them on welfare (yes, they get welfare and healthcare) and making certain they will vote for those benefits. Chain migration assures millions more socialist voters will come here. None care about our Constitution as none have sacrificed a thing to be here or helped build this country in any way. They are not invested in our culture or our values or morals or ethics. Many come from corrupt countries where laws are mere suggestions where cartel run the country (Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Columbia...). They demand amnesty and citizenship while waving flags from their home countries? Are you kidding me? Right now, I can not get on board with a single democrat candidate. I have yet to see a single one speak up for the rights and safety of the citizens of this state or country. They are all presenting themselves as a security risk to this state and to this country. It is as if the real democrats have jumped ship and abandoned the party and have handed control over to socialists, communists, and foreigners. They even tell us that we have to train the foreigners to be our future leaders and that they are better people than we are and deserve this country more than we do. This is a HUGE red flag. Huge. We need to be digging deeply into their campaign funders. I won't be giving republicans a pass either. With the socialist agenda exposed on the left, they will have no hesitation to run on any party ticket they feel they will be able to take over. All must be vetted carefully. You may not realize it, but when you pick up a history book and read about the Civil War, the Revolutionary war, and other revolutions, you are looking back on struggles of people that could have ended very differently had people not taken strong and meaningful action. Today, you are that revolution. And that revolution is not restricted by borders. Worldwide, people just like you are fighting for their sovereignty, their cultures, and their freedoms. There are not soldiers uniforms or heavy artillery, this revolution is happening economically and at the ballot box. I can not stress enough how important it is to support truly local businesses. Businesses that have committed to strengthening not destroying your community. Participate actively in your community. And get out and vote! You are now a part of that revolution that will be in future history books. This is your opportunity to fight for what your ancestors fought for. These two young men in the video below thought it would be funny to joke around with Mexican cops. They are lucky to be alive. Not sure what they were thinking. This is what makes Mexico an actual SHITHOLE. I am including a couple more links that underscore the border problem and the criminal alien that continue to cross it. Most likely with the help of corrupt cops on both sides of the border. For them, laws are just suggestions - for other people. It is their culture. Browsing the comments section of this youtube video is also interesting. One commenter even insists the cartel are the good guys in Mexico. This problem has roots that will take more than a little work to clear it. Tell me, how many are you willing to let operate within our borders and how long until the noxious seeds have sprouted and taken hold here? The seeds are already planted and being nurtured by our own politicians. Already some of the 3.8 million "Dreamers" and 800,000 DACA darlings have been outed in this. Already we have seen vetted but not denied refugees and chain migration family members doing terrorists acts in our borders. Trump is right. Mexico is not sending us their best when they support the breaking of our federal immigration laws. When a person's first act in our country is to break a federal law the second they step across the border or lie about asylum needs, they are not the best and the most honest. Then stealing identities and working without permits. (Yet they insist they have not broken any laws. HAH!) And just because they get away with it for decades, does not mean they are suddenly innocent. And having "anchor babies" while living in a fraudulent status, does not mean that your offspring deserve citizenship. Our laws need to apply to everyone. Not just legal citizens of this country. VIDEO: Illegal Alien Accused of Murdering Two Cops Tells Courtroom: ‘I Wish I Killed More of Those Motherf****ers’ www.breitbart.com/california/2018/01/17/video-illegal-alien-accused-murdering-two-cops-tells-courtroom-wish-killed-motherfers/ U.S. Cops Protected Drug Shipments for Narco-Traffickers, Say Authorities http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2018/01/17/u-s-cops-protected-drug-shipments-narco-traffickers-say-authorities/ Below: how to take over a city (cartel) Still think that the career swamp dwellers should not be replaced? Much of our current congress and prior administrations, Obama, both Bush's, and the Clinton's, turned their heads and most likely profited from transnational Mexican/Isis cartel drugs and human trafficking. There is ZERO percent chance that they are not aware of what is going on at the border and what is going on in this country. That is why Snowden is hiding out in Russia, after all. He leaked the info on the US spying on its own citizens. There is no way they missed the cartel with that going on. In the meantime, California and New York have become a shitholes of epic proportion. Chicago is the epicenter of their business as it is centrally located, doing 62 billion dollars per year just in drug deals. Tight gun laws in these states have given free run to the criminals and cartel...identical to what has happened in Mexico with their gun laws. Past Minnesota governor Pawlenty and the last Mexican president also had a pow wow and agreed to add a consulate building in Minnesota to help with the illegal aliens, because they were having to drive to Illinois to get paperwork done. At that time, Pawlenty said criminal aliens were costing them $188,000,000. So, of course, the solution is to attract more? Obama and Rahm Emanuel just sheltered these people by creating a sanctuary city. Now they are "giving them the keys to the city" by giving them IDs with pictures of the city key on them and welcoming them. Obama and Rahm give every appearance of being complicit as hell. Again, there is ZERO percent chance that mass amounts of cartel and transnational criminal networks could operate without the knowledge and assistance of the leaders of that state. Remember during the campaign when Trump met the Mexican president to talk and how pissed the never Trumper's, Clinton and the DNC were? The degree of outrage was disproportionate to the severity of the incident. He TALKED to him. They exploded like Mt. Vesuvius. There is more to that story somewhere. Trump is very good at stirring up the bees nest and giving us hints at what is going on. We need leaders for our cities, states, and country who will stand up for us. We need that wall. We need better border security. We need to have stricter immigration laws and actual vetting for both immigration and refugees that includes some sort of action. Simply vetting someone for show and then not turning them away is a yuuuuge joke. How many more terrorists do we want to let in by way of refugees and chain migration? Get illegal aliens out of this country and let them come back the right way and be vetted. What are they really afraid of? That they will find the politicians cartel buddies during the process?
If our mayors, city council, and governors are calling us names like racist and bigot when we ask questions or ask for this to be taken care of, then we have to ask ourselves, "What's in it for them?" How much money or power are they getting from this? To put foreigners before the citizens is unthinkable. It must be worth a lot to them. If you were in their shoes, would you call people names and attempt to publicly shame them? Or would you take time to look into the problem and try to come up with a solution? One of our representatives literally said this is pretty much not on his list at all. He has more important things to worry about than something as trivial as our safety and concerns of the residents of South Dakota. We need to vet these stink bomb candidates and find some people to represent US instead of foreign interests and criminals. The only people who can put an end to it is us. It will have to be by ballot box or by another civil war. Which do you want? Did you vote in 2017? Will you vote in June, 2018, and again in November, 2018? Did you even know that there are elections and ballot issues EVERY year? Do you realize that people from outside the state are responsible for some of the ballot issues? For more reasons why we need the wall, see the Why The Wall is Important section under the News tab. Our politicians are systematically turning our country into Mexico. They give every indication that they are no better than the cartel owned president and cops from Mexico. Right now we have exactly ONE representative in our state who has stood up for us. He has put everything on the line to give us a voice and to fight for this state. I, for one, am grateful that Neal Tapio is standing up and speaking out. He is being assaulted and attacked by news media, corrupt groups, and even his own peers. They are the swamp dwellers and those too afraid to push back against those swamp dwellers. When the outcry of indignation and name calling begin, you know that person has tapped into something they are afraid of. They are terrified that he will succeed. There is a storm brewing and we do not need "fair weather" men. We need people who will face it. Let's get the shitheads out of the shithole in Pierre and clean this swamp up! |
AuthorSouth Dakota Together is a pro-Constitution, pro-South Dakota network. We offer a platform for those who others are working to silence. While we do not host speakers or events ourselves, we do share the information that others have given to us so that others may keep up with their events and issues. Archives
June 2018
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